Bagshawe Fine Art occupies a discreet gallery space in London’s Belgravia, in the heart of the Pimlico Road Design District, where individual pictures may be viewed by appointment. As well as providing a relaxed environment for the display and appreciation of pictures, the gallery is also an active centre for art-historical research, a cornerstone of the business.

Pictures are predominantly British, range in date from the seventeenth century through to the first half of the twentieth century and fall across a wide price spectrum. Areas of specialization include eighteenth- and nineteenth-century portraiture, genre painting and sporting art. In addition to buying and selling works of art, Bagshawe Fine Art offers a full complement of services including valuations, conservation and restoration, framing, and primary research towards authentication or re-attribution of authorship as well as the identification of portrait sitters.


Nicholas Bagshawe

Nicholas Bagshawe is a leading expert on British painting of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Since graduating from Oxford, he has spent all his working life in the British art market, training initially with Sotheby’s and the London dealers Pawsey and Payne before founding his own business in 1979. He is consulted regularly by museums, auction houses and private collectors for his expertise and he serves on a number of vetting committees at international art fairs. Additionally, he has lectured worldwide on various aspects of British art for over twenty-five years. Nicholas has a particular interest in the life and work of Joseph Wright of Derby as well as an abiding fascination with the art of the Pre-Raphaelites. He is available to consult by appointment in the gallery on any aspect of British art.


Dr Kendall (Smaling Wood) Bagshawe

Kendall Bagshawe is an art historian specialising in British painting of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She holds a BA in Art History from Princeton University, an MA in Fine and Decorative Art from Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London, and a PhD in History of Art from the University of London. Kendall has worked since the early 2000s as a consultant art historian in the commercial art world and she has been responsible for the successful reattribution of many lost works by a number of British and French artists. Recently she discovered a lost panel of the iconic triptych Woman’s Mission by the Victorian artist George Elgar Hicks languishing unrecognized in an American private collection. Missing since at least the end of the nineteenth century, the painting has now been reunited with the other extant component of Hicks’s masterpiece and is part of the permanent collection of Tate Britain. Kendall’s work on the triptych was featured in Tate Papers and may be viewed here.